Anny Zam (អេនីហ្សាម) was born in 09 February 1990. She has height: 1.58m; weight: 444kg; 3 Sizes: 34 – 26 – 36; and she is a famous singer star at Town production. Anny Zam is a top popular Khmer singer star for Cambodian youth. Her new songs are : លែងអូនទៅ (Leng Oun Tov), បេះដូងសម្រាប់អ្នកណា? (Bes Dong Som Rab Neak Na?), មនុស្សបីនាក់ (Meak Nus 3 Neak), មិនអង្វរ (Men Orng Vor), មិត្តអូនទេ! (Met Oun Te!) and other popular songs.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Anny Zam-Town Production
11/17/2012 10:05:00 AM