An ex freshie girl who was the third winner of Natural Beauty magazine, Sum Somaly, was so shy after she got a French kiss from the actor in Karaoke shooting. According to LookingToday, in the song ‘Saek chhop yum’ by Hang Oudammany, Somaly was kissed passionately from the main actor and she said that she felt embarrassed because it was the first time in her life that she got such a French kiss from a guy. Moreover, she found it difficult to act in a kissing scene. In this New Year 2013, with her attractive smile and sexy face, Somaly told LookingToday that it would be her best year since she got lots of offers from movie directors and karaoke shooting; she is so much busy in her careers.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sum Somaly was kissed from a guy
1/07/2013 09:27:00 AM